If are you looking for someone with excellent knowledge of Mailchimp and or someone to meticulously manage your email marketing while you are sleeping, then you have come to the right place. With over 1 year of experience, I can walk you through your Mailchimp with ease.
Our services include: Account set up Troubleshoot, analyze, report and recommend best practices. Custom Email template design Sign up form design, integration (pop up and embedded) Website Integration Facebook Integration
Mailchimp signup form Setup or integration Mailchimp list creation. Thank First-time Customers Enable Order Notification Follow Up on Purchases Recover Abandoned Carts Retarget Site Visitors Birthday wishes Win Back Lapsed Customers Reward Your Best Customers Popup Thank you Newsletter setup Campaign development and optimization Automation Autoresponder automation series
Feel free to contact me or ask any questions. I usually respond within an hour. Thank You!