Connect your online store to bring in purchase history and choose whether your automation is triggered by products or categories.
After someone buys your stuff, send a follow‑up to get feedback or recommend other stuff.
We've found that product follow-up emails get 5 times more orders than bulk emails.
We make it easy to set up automations. With our drag-and-drop email designer, you can go from draft to publish in minutes.
Customize your follow-up message with promo codes, personalized product recommendations, or helpful info about your stuff.
Add a survey or include a reward for leaving a review. Every click helps you learn more about your people.
Connect your online store to bring in purchase history and choose whether your automation is triggered by products or categories.
Set the delay for when your message goes out and the specific product or category.
Our email designer makes it easy to customize your message and add surveys, product recommendations, and more.
Turn it on and you’re all set. Customers will get your product follow‑ups after they make a purchase.
Set it up in a few steps and start learning more from your customers.
Update customers on their purchases with personalized order notifications that match the look and feel of your other marketing.
Let us predict what your customers are most likely to buy next by adding personalized product recommendations to your emails.
Remind people to come back for the products they saw on your site.