Liven up your newsletter with eye-catching, on brand graphics. No design skills? No problem. With Canva, anybody can create stunning graphics – for free.
Canva’s templates are your shortcut to great design. And our simple drag-and-drop tools make it easy for you to customize a template until you get exactly the look you need.
With over 2 million stock photos right inside our platform, plus thousands of templates for every kind of design, it’s easy to create graphics that impress.
Create logos, banners, social media graphics, infographics and more
GIF and video maker
Collaborate with your team
Completely online, no downloads required
2 million+ stock images, or upload your own images for free
How it works
Step 1 – Create a graphic
To get started, log in or sign up to Canva. Choose what kind of design you’d like to create, then select a template. Customize until you’ve got the look you want.
Step 2 – Publish to Mailchimp
When you’re happy with your graphic, click the white button in the top corner to choose your publishing option. Then select Mailchimp.
Step 3 – Connect your Mailchimp account
If this is the first time you’ve published to Mailchimp, you’ll be prompted to connect your Canva account to your Mailchimp account. Add your Mailchimp username and password to connect.
Step 4 – Add your graphic to your newsletter
To add your graphic to your newsletter, open Mailchimp and navigate to the Content section. You’ll find your graphic under My Files.
Additional Resources
How to: Save Designs to Mailchimp
How to: Connect or Disconnect Canva
Support Center
Canva's friendly and knowledgeable Customer Happiness Team provides fast, attentive 24-hour help via email, Facebook and Twitter. Monday through Friday and limited support during weekends.