Behavior‑based automations
Engage your users at the perfect moment
Reach your users at key moments, from installing your app to their first login, so that you build a deeper relationship from day one.

Increase conversion rates and deepen user engagement
Our API let’s you identify behavioral data that’s important to your business, and then brings that data into Mailchimp. Whether your web or mobile app focuses on tracking fitness, managing finances, or sharing photos, we make it easy to connect with your users. Reach them at key moments, like after they sign up for an account or the first time they try a new feature. Then, send them a targeted message for those moments.
Need some help getting started? Share our guide with your developer.

Build stronger relationships
Connect with users at relevant and timely moments in their exploration of your product. Help them stay engaged, complete actions, and see all the value you provide.

Bring users back
Send an email to your users when they’ve been away from your product for too long. Re-engage their initial spark with new features or product updates.

Create upgrade moments
Increase your conversion rate with automated upgrade or upsell emails that reach users at just the right moment.