When you join Mailchimp & Co you can earn money for helping your clients achieve their marketing goals. We’ll compensate you every quarter when you refer a client to Mailchimp, upgrade a client’s account, or activate features on behalf of your clients.
In this article, you’ll learn about the ways you can earn rewards with Mailchimp & Co.
You must be actively connected to two or more clients to unlock rewards. Each client must be on a paid Mailchimp plan. To learn how to connect a client, check out Connect Your Clients' Accounts.
Only Account Owners and Admins can view earning statements.
How it works
To start earning, you’ll need to register and add your banking details with the payment processor Payoneer. Earnings will automatically deposit to your bank account on a quarterly cadence. The amount you earn will be a percentage of the base charge of your client’s monthly plan and there is no minimum earning required to receive a reward.
There are a few ways to earn rewards with Mailchimp & Co. You can earn through helping clients activate Mailchimp features or for referring clients to a paid Mailchimp plan.
For feature activation, we’ll send you a percentage based on the number of features you activate. For a referral or an upgrade, the percentage you earn will depend on your membership level.
Visit the Rewards page in your account to see the full breakdown of how earnings work and what activities are eligible.
Activate features in your client's account
From your clients’ accounts, you can activate eligible features and earn more.
To access a client’s account, follow these steps.
In your Mailchimp partner account, click the Mailchimp & Co icon.
Click Clients.
Find the client you want to work with and click Go to account.
That’s all! In their account, you can activate features on their behalf. The more highlighted features you activate, the more you can earn.
Share your referral link
When a client uses your referral link to create an account or upgrade to a paid plan, you can earn a percentage of their plan rate.
To find your custom referral link, follow these steps.
Click the Mailchimp & Co icon.
Click Clients.
At the top of the page, click Copy next to your referral link.
That’s it! Share your referral link with current and potential clients. When a client clicks your link, they'll be prompted to create a new account or log into their existing account.
Your referral link will only appear after you connect two or more clients on paid plans and become eligible to earn rewards.
View rewards
On the rewards page of the Mailchimp and Co. dashboard, you can view your connected clients, their activated features, and your earnings percentage from each.